Smart Vaults & Loans Crypto Wallet UI UX Dashboard Template

Hey dribbblers!

We are pleased to present the UI/UX dashboard design of our latest web3 application concept for cryptocurrency storage and lending. Smart Vaults have revolutionized the borrowing and lending industry with their innovative concept of a decentralized user interface based on smart contracts. Our smart vaults introduce an innovative approach to borrowing and lending through an innovative decentralized user interface design powered by smart contracts. This modern platform allows users to confidently lock up a wide range of digital and tangible assets, including Bitcoin, Ethereum and tokenized gold, for use as collateral.

The demo

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Interaction design

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Extej UI UX Design Agency
UI UX 🎯 Crypto 🚀 Dashboard 📈 Mobile📲 DeFi 💸 Web3 🔗

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